An image close to my heart...scores a "Merit".

"Even Angels Sleep"...

The National Image Salon Print Competition was held in London, Ontario in April 2013.  This is the largest print competition held by the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC).  It is held once a year and it is a great event where members of the PPOC can submit images to a panel of judges where they are judged and given a score of not-accepted, accepted, merit, and excellence.  This year there was 843 images submitted, 469 received a score of accepted or higher.  For any photographer who has submitted images to this event can appreciate the time and dedication that goes into their image.  It is a nerve-racking experience as you over evaluate your image and ask yourself...does it have emotion and impact, does it tell a story, what is my focus?  All questions are characteristics that make and break an image.  I entered our provincial image salon last year and both of my images scored an Accepted and I was thrilled.

This year with the guidance of my good friends and colleagues, Jennifer Tower, Marlene Fast, and Cheryl Struss, I chose to submit this image of my daughter, Emily.  It is called "Even Angels Sleep." It scored a very first one.  I don't know who was screaming louder, my husband or I.

This image is very close to my heart.  "YES", it is a picture of my 6-year old daughter, but any mother will be able to relate to it.  As a baby when I would hold her in my arms and look down at those beautiful eye lashes I would smile and see my beautiful baby girl.  I would hold her tiny fingers in mine and rock her to sleep.  Now, 6 years later, that baby of mine is finishing grade 1 and is too big to fit on my lap anymore.  One day a few months ago I was sitting on our couch and she snuggled up next to me and gave me a huge hug...when I looked down at her I saw this view....the view of my little baby girl.  Yes she's all grown up but I can still see that sweet innocent baby that blessed my life with true love, joy, and the best gift I have ever known...motherhood.